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Products Q&A
F.A.Q about problems and questions you might face.
11 articles
Why Don't My Videos Play Automatically With Sound?Justification for videos not playing with sound by default
Why is My Video Not Playing?How to fix the most common reasons why your video is not playing
How big is the JS Script? Will Vidjet videos slow down my website ?More details about the Vidjet script and how it affects your site
Why Can't I Edit or Record Videos in Vidjet?
How to remove the Vidjet watermark on your videos ?Remove Vidjet Branding (watermark on videos)
Video Upload IssuesDon't see your video after clicking 'upload?' Try these simple steps.
Why is My Video Showing on All Pages?How to troubleshoot if your video is unexpectedly showing on every page of your website
How do I Reset My Password?Resetting Your Vidjet Password
Size your iframe like a boss
How to setup Vidjet on your Single Page ApplicationUse Vidjet on your Single Page Application
How to track Orders and ConversionsUse another script to track the impact of your videos on your website.