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Import product feed to Vidjet

Use your product-feed tool to generate JSON, CSV or XML, and send products data to Vidjet.

Baptiste Nicolas avatar
Written by Baptiste Nicolas
Updated over 3 months ago

πŸ’‘ Tip

Your Feed from the Google Merchant Center should be the right format for Vidjet.

Your product feed should contain:

  • Prices

  • Names

  • Images

  • Stocks/quantities

  • Descriptions (optional)

Steps to follow:

  1. Generate a JSON, CSV, or XML file from your product-feed manager

  2. Send this file to

  3. Leo will make sure the format of your Feed is OK. If not, he will get back to you with the missing info

  4. Leo will sync your Feed to Vidjet, and your product list will show on the "Product" page

πŸ’‘ Did you know?

Vidjet refreshes your product feed 1 time per day. You can also do it manually, by clicking this icon:

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